Team Aerodognamic
Well, we did it again, we made mom proud! Ryder, mom and me  attended our clubs annual dock jumping competition and I jumped a new personal best of 20' and brought home a 6th place Pro Finals ribbon. Ryder had a good time too, he didn't jump his best but he had a great time and got  mom soaked in the process. We got to visit with Ry's canine family too. He looks a lot like his Grandma and everyone says so so I guess I'll have to agree, but he will always be my knucklehead little brother.

We also got the opportunity to compete in the Land Speed Retrieve contest. Fastest dog down and back for a 75 yd mark. I ended up with a time of 14.28. Ryder was making great time but on the way back starting slowing just short of the line and he....stopped to poop! I couldn't believe it, I told him to go potty beforehand but I guess the pup learned the hard way. Mom let him run again, and he ended up with a time of 14.02. He beat me, but I think I would have done better if mom took my Angel costume off. Clearly the wings are of no benefit in this event. Another lab with a time of 12.30 won, but we'll be ready next year. Mom actually caught our runs on video this year and posted the video on youtube, if you can believe that!

Here are two photos mom took before the days events: 

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